Sunday, April 22, 2012

I'm a tree farmer

Bessie is officially back in action with her beautiful mower deck back on and ready to mow.  Except there's one thing.  I've apparently become a maple tree farmer.

Over the last year I have managed to remove 14 trees that enveloped my house.  Nothing says awesome like having trees dropping left and right and watching those mammoth things being cut, lifted and craned out, OVER your home.

Example One: Dropping

Example Two:  Craning

And just to give you the full picture of how ridiculous the house was before, here's what it looked like, in the dead of winter, with these suckers.

Oh, and as an added bonus, the God Dog.

Nothing says winter entertainment like watching grown men hack up your yard with plows and backhoes, let me tell you.

But fast forward to this year.  There are three maple trees remaining in my front yard.  No big deal, they are pretty trees, grow relatively straight, and cause very few problems.  Up until now.  I'm looking at my lawn this year, thinking, "What the heck is going on?"  Apparently, unbeknownst to moi, I have become the host nation for maple tree seedlings.

Neat, right?


It would be neat if it were a small patch, not a big deal.  Except this is my entire front yard.

And notice the tire tracks?  Apparently AV must have killed some poor little seedlings while he was driving around the yard.  Let's have a moment for those we've lost.  Moment had, let's move on.

Long story short, those babies have been mowed!  I'll continue to update on my failing tree farm, as it better not become a success story!

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