So it's been a bit since my last post, however there have been many fabulous things occurring, mainly warm weather in New England!
As with each year, I always say that I will not grow as many tomatoes as I did last year. And every year, I grow as many, if not more. This year is no different.
There are a few differences in some of my garden tactics:
1) 7 ft deer fence.
Each year these bastards manage to get into my garden, hack into my little lovely plants, and set me back a few weeks. I hate them. So this year I have MacGuyver rigged the most fantastical deer fence. Or perhaps a deer trap. We shall see what really happens.
I figure, if it can keep the God Dog out, it should be able to keep out dumb creatures who throw themselves in front of moving cars on say, a highway.
On a side note - check out my beets! And my purty radishes!!
The second difference?
2) AV input.
We watch a lot of Chopped on Food Network. So, for any of you who may watch this glorious program, there are three secret ingredients that they need to use. I'd say probably 3 times now, the secret ingredient has been patty pan squash. AV decided we need to grow some. Here's to seeing how it will turn out, or if it will be anything useful.
For your viewing enjoyment, the tomato maze.
And more...
Here's to looking forward to a summer full of tomatoes, and more than likely another batch of tomato wine!
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