Wednesday, March 28, 2012


So Sistah Sledge has been carrying the weight of this blog for the past month and a half. I am long overdue on an update – as you are all aware she has pursued this 30 day cleanse. Which I think is insane, but props to her for being disciplined and finding a way to make meatballs from nuts and ground chicken. I decided to give up chocolate for lent. Not so much for religious purposes, but more because bikini season is quickly approaching and I’m always jonesin for anything chocolate (there have been some days where I considered shaking out my keyboard at work to see if there was anything in there – disgusting, I know). Once Easter rolls around the baking begins – and I’m slathering anything and everything in Nutella.

The house search has continued and I actually put an offer on a house that was cute and could easily house the chickens I’ve been wanting. But of course I’m an idiot magnet and the guy who owns the house was a jerkface so we’re back to square one. Putting an offer on a house is really an interesting experience – you sit there and scheme up a number, decide if you need certain inspections (bring on the lead paint!), put it all in a long winded contract then bam! Offer is submitted and you sit and wait, and then check your phone religiously until the realtor calls. I decided that I should be seeking the help of the crazies on Extreme Couponing, and do a little spin off – Extreme Lowballing. I want to see if these women can get a house dirt cheap, or hell – even for free!

In addition to the abode search continuing – spring has presented the opportunity to enjoy one of my favorite past times – gardening! I am not a horticulture expert like Sistah Sledge – however with her sensei wisdom and my googling skills, I think this year’s garden is off to a good start. I went to a new place, Comstock Ferre, that has heirloom seeds – basically it’s like Hogwarts. Found some really awesome plants (pretty much a slew of tomatoes and other exotic vegetables I’ve never heard of) and sowed! Hopefully these plants will be planted in my own yard this year – time will tell!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Onward and upward!

Day 3 = FAILURE!  But whatever.  So I had a little wine.  It was at least red wine.  Full of antioxidants and very good for you, riiiight??  I say so.

Anyways, I decided to put my failures behind me and look at my future successes, my garden!  I bought seeds this year from a new place, Hudson Valley Seed Library.  It's a neat organization where you can send in your seeds from the season and continue the growth of heirloom seeds.  They best be good or I'm going back to my CT based seed company!

So here's Day 1 of something I am completely passionate about!  Looking forward to weeding in my bikini, and growing some greens!  Farmers unite!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 1

I want chocolate.
I want chocolate.
I want chocolate.
I want chocolate.

Oh, sorry.

It's Day 1 of this cleanse.  So far, I think I have complained to anyone who will listen about how hungry I am.  It's only Day 1.  And I seriously have been eating non stop - fruits, chicken, salad, hard boiled eggs, 18 lbs of pistachios (ok, perhaps that's an exaggeration, but still, my fingers hurt from the salt - that's probably  not allowed on this cleanse either, whoops!), 4 bacon wrapped scallops, cauliflower mash.....I know, this all sounds gloriously filling, doesn't it?  IT'S NOT!  I'm lying on the floor dying ovah here!

Perhaps I'm playing this up a little over dramatically, but this is apparently a lesson in the fact that I have ZERO will power.  And guess what - I don't need it since I come from good stock, and good genes!  But yet, here I am, cleansing the soul.

If no one hears from me, please send chocolate, and lots of it!  Here's to Day 2!  And no chocolate, fingers crossed.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

It's time to cleanse!

I've decided.  I'm doing a 30 day cleanse, The Whole30, to be exact.  My friend Cartzy convinced me to give it a whirl, with a strong twist of my Gumby arm.  Basically, it's no dairy, no pasta, no bread, no carbs, nothing delicious....oh sorry, I digress.  Oh, and no ALCOHOL!  How shall I live without my wine for 30 days???  I'll figure it out, damnit!

So tomorrow marks Day 1.  It will start out with no sugar or milk in my coffee, replaced with coconut milk.  Doesn't that sound delish?  (sarcasm, sarcasm, sarcasm...)  AV is doing this with me, but he could live on bland chicken and boring steamed vegetables for 30 years, let alone 30 days.  I've been trying to convince SistahSlice to play along, but so far, she's not having it.  I have a feeling I'm going to grow really tired of sweet potato and cauliflower, and may offer up my first born child for some chocolate or some wine.  Or vodka!   The next few posts may turn into total whine sessions (wine-sessions??) about my withdrawals, but I'm starting my seeds soon for Farm de Sledge, so hopefully that will be a distraction.

Here's to 30 more days!  I should get a coin if I finish this successfully!