Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 1

I want chocolate.
I want chocolate.
I want chocolate.
I want chocolate.

Oh, sorry.

It's Day 1 of this cleanse.  So far, I think I have complained to anyone who will listen about how hungry I am.  It's only Day 1.  And I seriously have been eating non stop - fruits, chicken, salad, hard boiled eggs, 18 lbs of pistachios (ok, perhaps that's an exaggeration, but still, my fingers hurt from the salt - that's probably  not allowed on this cleanse either, whoops!), 4 bacon wrapped scallops, cauliflower mash.....I know, this all sounds gloriously filling, doesn't it?  IT'S NOT!  I'm lying on the floor dying ovah here!

Perhaps I'm playing this up a little over dramatically, but this is apparently a lesson in the fact that I have ZERO will power.  And guess what - I don't need it since I come from good stock, and good genes!  But yet, here I am, cleansing the soul.

If no one hears from me, please send chocolate, and lots of it!  Here's to Day 2!  And no chocolate, fingers crossed.

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