I've decided. I'm doing a 30 day cleanse, The Whole30, to be exact. My friend Cartzy convinced me to give it a whirl, with a strong twist of my Gumby arm. Basically, it's no dairy, no pasta, no bread, no carbs, nothing delicious....oh sorry, I digress. Oh, and no ALCOHOL! How shall I live without my wine for 30 days??? I'll figure it out, damnit!
So tomorrow marks Day 1. It will start out with no sugar or milk in my coffee, replaced with coconut milk. Doesn't that sound delish? (sarcasm, sarcasm, sarcasm...) AV is doing this with me, but he could live on bland chicken and boring steamed vegetables for 30 years, let alone 30 days. I've been trying to convince SistahSlice to play along, but so far, she's not having it. I have a feeling I'm going to grow really tired of sweet potato and cauliflower, and may offer up my first born child for some chocolate or some wine. Or vodka! The next few posts may turn into total whine sessions (wine-sessions??) about my withdrawals, but I'm starting my seeds soon for Farm de Sledge, so hopefully that will be a distraction.
Here's to 30 more days! I should get a coin if I finish this successfully!
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