Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It's a Golfer's Paradise

Slice and I have taken to golfing; in my backyard.  Now, while I certainly do not have a driving range back there (but did you know that there are plenty of websites out there that will eagerly help you create your very own driving range, putting green, and miniature golf hookup?) I do have plenty of land to do stupid things with. Golfers unite!

A friend of Slice's offered her his old clubs after having not a single bite on Craigslist.  I told her to come on over and we could hack balls in my Back 40.  I figured this would be a one time deal.  Naaaah!  Golf Whack Monday has commenced and we eagerly spent the evening hucking balls into the woodline.  My boyfriend, AV (short for Avalanche, for the mean truck he drives), came home to find this debauchery and brought up a very good question:

How do you plan on retrieving the balls?

Radio Silence.......

For a while it worked out in our favor as God Dog was all too eager to try to choke himself with a golf ball while running it back and forth to us.  But all good things must come to an end and he soon found no fun in this chore.

But then the rocket scientist in us both came out, and the idea of some sort of attachment for Bessie was born.  Now, who knows what will come of this idea, or if she will ever return from her Spa Adventure, but this may definitely be on the list of things to look into, after all, range fees at Casa de Sledge are significantly less than any other range around.

Stay tuned for Summer!

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